Toyger breed cattery

Comes from “toy” and “tiger”. This is designed breed — home shorthair cat, resembling a wild animal by colour and type.

Our cats
and kittens

Both adults and kids can play with toygers — they are great companions: well mannered, smart and self-confident. Toygers are the real beauty: tiger fur, round ears, muscular body and intense colouring. These cats are tigers with noble character and dignity of behaviour in the family.

We are proud of our pets and represent the breed on biggest exhibitions of Europe. The name of Tigervisions is well known in America, China, Dubai and Holland.

See Our toygers

Cattery achievements

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Bildschirmfoto 2025-01-13 um 15.34.54

Tigervisions Phantom - Best Toyger Cat 2022/2023 Wordwide


Tigervisions Phantom - Best Toyger Kitten 2022/2023 Wordwide


Tigerwisions Cake - Second Best Toyger Kitten 2022/2023 TICA in der Region Nord Europa


Tigervisions Vivaldi - Bester Toyger Kitten 2021/2022 TICA in der Region Nord Europa

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Tigervisions Comaro-best Toyger 2018/2019 WORLDWIDE




Tigervisions Darkshow-best Toyger 2017/2018 TICA Region of Northern Europe

IMG_7361 Kopie

Our cat RW Supreme Grand Champion Darkshow Best Toyger 2017/2018 in the region of Northern Europe, TICA

Tigervisions Mo - best Toyger Alter 2017/2018 TICA WORLDWIDE

Our successes 2017/2018 TICA

1, 2 and 3 best Kitten

1 and 3 best Cat Region of Northern Europe

1 and 3 best Alter WORLDWIDE

3 best Kitten WORLDWIDE

2 best Cat WORLDWIDE

RW Tigervisions Batrr-best Toyger Kitten 2017/2018 TICA Region of Northern Europe


RW SGCA Tigervisions Amur- TICA 2017/2018 third best Toyger Alter WORLDWIDE

“The Toyger is a designer cat: a loving, glittered, medium sized domestic shorthair companion cat
reminiscent of the big cats in pattern, type, confidence and movement. ”

TICA breed standard

Our instagram

More photos

About owners

We are Olga and Victor Shmidt, owners of Tigervisions cattery. It’s great to see you here!

With any questions e-mail us to

We want to tell you about our family and our cats, because it is important to know where you get the cat from. Toyger is new and developing breed, although our cattery works directly with the creator of the breed — Judy Sugden.

We love our cats and take care of them responsively: spacious enclosures to walk, fresh air and water, food approved by doctors and medical treatment. We take care of cattery on our own and cherish every our animal. Mom-cats and kittens live together with us but in a separated rooms, boys-cats have their own house.

We saw a lot of representatives of toyger breed and we declare: our toygers make a great competition with others toygers in a world.

Certificate of registration

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